Mastering Generative AI and ChatGPT: A Practical Guide for Teachers - T. Potter Instructional Design


Mastering Generative AI and ChatGPT: A Practical Guide for Teachers

There’s been a lot of news about the potential of AI to transform education and just as much talk about the potential harms. However, many of those fears aren’t rooted in how ChatGPT and generative AI actually work. Today, we would like to present a practical, teacher-focused roundup that specifically digs into the world of generative AI and ChatGPT. 

Our team has been experimenting with ways to enhance the teaching and learning experience. Here, we’ve rounded up ten blog posts that provide you with hands-on insights into how ChatGPT can enhance your classroom and make your teaching life easier.

In the articles below, we’ll take you through the basics of generative AI and ChatGPT, sharing real-world examples and practical tips on how to integrate this technology into your unique teaching style.

Whether you’re a tech-savvy instructor or an AI newbie, we’ve intentionally provided something for everyone. We want you to feel inspired, not overwhelmed. Get ready to explore new possibilities, spark creativity, and ignite a passion for learning among your students, all with the help of generative AI. 

AI and the Future of Education: How It Can Help Teachers 

From helping classroom teachers create lesson plans to enhancing student performance by researching and analyzing data more efficiently, the impact of ChatGPT on the education system has been huge. In this 101 post, you’ll see how AI can improve the learning environment for everyone, including young students, college students, and teaching staff. 

Beyond Ctrl+C: 7 Classroom Strategies to Prevent ChatGPT-Based Plagiarism

Even if you have heard nothing else about ChatGPT, you’ve probably encountered concerns that students will use it for cheating. This post leads you through best practices, common pitfalls, and classroom activities that will help you prevent students from using ChatGPT to cheat instead of trying to catch them after the fact. 

10 Practical Ways to Use ChatGPT to Make Your Teaching Life Easier (Even if You’re Afraid of AI)

Have you been hesitant to embrace AI? Fear not! This post shows you how you can use ChatGPT to quickly create lesson plans, assignments, discussion questions, learning objectives, PowerPoints, grading rubrics, and more. It’s easier than you might think. 

How to Create Worksheets, Handouts, and Assessments with ChatGPT 

People keep saying that ChatGPT is going to lighten the workload for teachers by making our course material for us – but how on earth do you do that? In this post, we show you how you can use ChatGPT to generate worksheets, quizzes, and assessments. Plus, we provide prompts that work for creating classroom materials. 

Elevate Your Assessment Questions with ChatGPT 

Traditional assessment approaches often struggle to evaluate higher-order thinking skills. In this post, we look at four ways to use ChatGPT to elevate assessment design, engage students in higher-level thinking, and promote deeper understanding. See how ChatGPT can create scenario-based questions, develop well-crafted distractors for multiple-choice assessments, generate questions aligned with different levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy, and facilitate meaningful discussions based on provided text prompts. 

Empowering Students to Use AI Safely and Ethically Through Critical Thinking

We can’t ignore ChatGPT and hope it goes away. Students will be using ChatGPT and other AI tools, and they will need to learn how to think critically about it. As educators, we can equip students with the skills to navigate the strengths, weaknesses, ethical implications, and creative possibilities of ChatGPT and generative AI. This blog post provides a solid foundation for educators to structure lessons and activities that foster AI literacy and critical thinking skills across multiple grade levels and disciplines. 

ChatGPT Can’t Grade Your Papers (But It Can Help in Other Ways) 

There are so many ways educators can use ChatGPT to streamline their workload, but what about what some of us think of as the biggest chore of all – grading papers? We tested ChatGPT to see how well it would do at producing consistent, thoughtful, accurate grades and feedback on student writing, and unfortunately, it did not pass our tests. That doesn’t mean you can’t use ChatGPT to lighten your grading burden in other ways, though. In this post, we’ll show you how we tested ChatGPT’s grading abilities and how it can still support you in grading student writing.

Pragmatic and Effective Ways to Incorporate ChatGPT Into the Writing Process

What place does ChatGPT have within the writing process, and how do we integrate ChatGPT into the writing classroom without shortchanging critical thinking? In this post, we use cognitive-process and post-process composition theory to examine ChatGPT’s potential role in each stage of the writing process.  

Streamline Your Life: 6 Ways to Use ChatGPT to Support Executive Function and Prevent Burnout

In a 2022 Gallup poll, educators reported having the highest rates of burnout of workers in all industries in the U.S., with 44% of K-12 teachers and 35% of college and university workers saying they “always” or “very often” feel burned out at work. Burnout tanks your executive functioning and makes it much harder to plan, multitask, remember information, filter distractions, and control impulses. In this post, we provide practical, everyday ways to use ChatGPT for emails, task planning, scheduling, and more to reduce cognitive load and executive dysfunction, especially when you’re burned out.

AI and Academic Integrity: Navigating an Evolving Landscape 

It’s been seven months since ChatGPT exploded onto the scene, sending higher education institutions scrambling to respond to concerns that students will use ChatGPT to do their work for them. Many academic communities are seeking concrete examples and actionable language to incorporate into their own policies. We have put together a roundup of some colleges’ and universities’ updated academic integrity policies that have been retooled to address generative AI.

We hope you have found something helpful here! If you’re interested in keeping up with the latest information about ChatGPT and generative AI in education, sign up for our newsletter below. 

Abi Bechtel

Abi Bechtel is a writer, educator, and ChatGPT enthusiast. She has an MFA in Creative Writing from the Northeast Ohio MFA program through the University of Akron, and she just thinks generative AI is neat.

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